The pleasant old age. Let’s enjoy“YO-SEI”!


The pleasant old age. Let’s enjoy“YO-SEI”! 愉快な老後 与生を愉(たの)しむ。

令和2年から立川市シルバー大学で2年間「英会話コース」(講師:高橋惠子先生) を受講。その講座の修了にあたり 英語で文章を作成しスピーチをしました。

The pleasant old age. Let’s enjoy“YO-SEI”!

The author of “The Time of an elephant and the Time of a Mouse” is Tatsuo Motokawa. He is a globally famous biologist who sings songs. He spoke in a seminar I attended held at Tama Zoo.

The mode of animals has no contradiction. A cycle of the heartbeat is called cardiac cycle.

The heartbeat of a mouse is six hundred to seven hundred times in one minute,

That’s once in zero point one seconds.

But a elephant’s heartbeat is thirty times in one minute. That’s once in two seconds.

The life span of various animals divided by a cardiac cycle is fifteen billion.

That means the heartbeats of mammals are fifteen billion times until they die.

The life span of mice is two to three years.

The life span of elephants is seventy years.

We think that the life span of elephants is longer than mice.

But If you think that the life span of animals is based on the cardiac cycle,

the life span of elephants is the same as mice’s .

The heartbeat of a human is once every second.

So a life span of a human must be twenty-six point three years old biologically.

However the average life span of a human is beyond eighty years old at the present.

The mode of animals must have no contradiction.

The long life of humans has some meaning.

Certainly so. The long life of humans is must have some meaning.

I think that just having children isn’t the right way to live as a true human.

Isn’t there a way of life for humans that cannot be understand by biological alone.

For example, to create culture and pass it down.

When you endure long long training, you can inherit the culture.

It is not easy for us to be a living national treasure.

For example, to dedicate ourselves to social contribution

How long will it take for us to gain the trust from the people around us at a

regional activity ?

To become a town council officer will take a long time.

Parents can’t educate their children alone.

Their grandfather,grandmother and peaple in the neighborhood are important.

The time when the local community raises children has come.

I think that a long life is important.

But there is something more important than that.

That is to enjoy the life. What was a human born for ?

In the end of my life , I want to say that I am happy.

In Japanese , old age is called YOSEI.  The word , “SEI” has the meaning of life.

The word , YO has two meanings, The one is remainder and the other is leisure.

”Yo” isn’t remainder, ”Yo” is leisure. ”Yo” means a rich life,

In addition, The meaning ”Yo” is giving.

Someone said that “YOSEI” is “a giving life”.

The life of giving thanks to people who took care of me.

That is a life of reward. That is a life of contribution.

The old age must be a shining life.

When I became sixty years old , I wrote the things I wanted to do in my life in my notebook.

One page of the notebook was filled with them.

I will master English !

I will be a rank holder in Aikido !

I will play “for Elise “ on the piano from memory !

I will try the original text of Genjimonogatari.

I will go to Florence, Italy and visit museums I

I wll try to go cycling to Sado from Kamakura !

Et cetera.

I started doing Aikido after sixty years old.I try to get the first rank this year.

To my surprise. I made an aikido club

The more goals you have, the more little joy you have.

I am excited to have the pleasant old age, Let’s enjoy “YOSEI”!

July 8th,2022 Yasuji Nagai (sIxty seven years ojd)

愉快な老後 与生を愉(たの)しむ。

「ゾウの時間 ネズミの時間」で有名な歌う生物学者本川達夫氏が多摩動物園で開催されたセミナーで語っていた。


ゾウはネズミより長生きのように思いますが、心拍数を時間の単位として考えるなら同じ長さを生きていることになります。ヒトの場合はおよそ1秒に1回。したがって、生物学的に見るとヒトの寿命は26.3年になるはずです。 ところが、ヒトの現在の平均寿命は80歳を超えます。生物の様態(mode)には一切矛盾がないはずだ。人間の長寿には何か意味があるにちがいない」と。

確かにそうだ。人間の長寿には、何か意味があるに違いない。子孫を残すだけが人間としての生き方とは言えない。生物学だけでは、語れない人間の生き方があるのではないだろうか。例えば、文化を残す、文化を伝えるー。長い長い修業に耐えてこそ、文化を継承できる。人間国宝には、簡単にはなれない。例えば、社会貢献に尽くすー。地域活動でも周りの人の信頼を得るには、何年かかるだろう。町会役員だって年季がものを言う。子どもの教育だって親だけではできない。祖父や祖母、近所のおばさんだって大切だ。地域で子どもを育てる時代だ。長生きって大事なんだと思う。もっと、大事なことがある。それは、人生を楽しむことだ。人間は、何のために生きてきたのだろう? 最後、「幸せだった」と言える人生を送りたい。













わくわくするぞ 愉快な老後。

2022年7月8日  永井 靖二 (67才)